Eliminate Fart Odor – Pets & Humans

eliminate fart odor

When it comes to Fart Odor, we know how to Eliminate it! And not just for the family dog. For cats, pets and yes, even uncle Joe! This is an incredible invention that gets rid of embarrassing Fart Odor!

No more disgusting smells coming at inappropriate times! Even if it is coming from the dog, everyone else gets blamed for it!

Use it Anywhere and Everywhere

Family Gatherings. Whether it’s Uncle Joe or the family dog, someone is always going to stink up the room. This is a way to put a stop to all of the stink! Simply take it prior to the gathering, and avoid the occurrence all together!

Church Hours. There is nothing more embarrassing than “tooting a horn” during prayer time! Now, no one needs to suffer ever again! And even if it happens, at least it won’t stink!

Date Night. Whether its a first date or the 100th date you want to be sure to Eliminate Fart Odor from the equation. Even if it’s only precautionary, it’s better to be safe than sorry!

This is an all-natural “miracle pill” that kills the smell of gas before it even leaves your butt! Don’t just mask the smell, eliminate it!

How Does It Work?

It works in your intestines! The activated Coconut Charcoal, Chlorella and other ingredients attach to the smelly particles in your gut and neutralize them before they ever hit the toilet! It starts working in just 2-3 hours. In addition, the odor-zapping pills last from 8-12 hours, and are completely safe! The results? FRESH AIR! But remember, even though the smell is gone, the sound isn’t!

Even For Your Pets

Yes!! It even works for pets! We all know sometimes those are the worse! No more silent-but-deadly farts sneaking out during a car ride. No more having to worry about them clearing the room after a meal. Start enjoying time with your canine companion even more by Eliminating Fart Odor!

Help your pets even more by giving them Bran for joint pain and anxiety.