Mountain Directory

mountain directory

Mountain Directory! We all know how scary it can be to drive in the mountains. Take the worry out of your trip by using this Mountain Directory! In an attempt to make mountain driving a little safer, information has been collected about passes and steep grades for this e-book since 1993! In addition, this Directory gives the locations and descriptions of over 700 mountain passes and steep grades in 22 states! With this information, you can know ahead of time what a pass is like and make an informed decision about whether to go over or around. Knowing what lies ahead is half the battle!

mountain  directory

There is an old saying among over-the-road truckers. “There are two kinds of drivers — those who’ve been in trouble on a mountain grade, and those who will be.” Unfortunately, this also applies to many other drivers as well! This Directory tells you where the steep grades are, how long they are, and how steep they are by percentages! They also tell you whether the road is two-lane, three-lane, or four-lane. In addition, it also tells if there are escape ramps, switchbacks, sharp curves, speed limits, and much much more!

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mountain directory

The purpose of this book is not to discourage drivers from going where they please. It is only to inform them of the conditions they may encounter and to encourage them to make sure their equipment is in good shape. Brakes must be in good working order and properly adjusted and the engine and transmission should be used to slow the vehicle whenever possible. This saves the brakes and keeps them cool enough to retain their stopping power. The engine’s cooling system should also be in good repair to prevent overheating during the climbs. Turning off the air conditioner during climbs may help, and if necessary, turning on the heater will help dissipate heat from the engine.

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