Coffee and Wine

give me coffee to change the things I can and wine to accept the things I cannot

Coffee and Wine. Many people begin the day with a cup of coffee and end it with a glass of wine. Believe it or not, that can be a good thing! Especially if it’s on the beach! Suprisingly, the benefits of coffee and wine are very similar. In moderation, of course. Some of the benefits include an increased life span, boosted blood flow, and a diminished risk of depression! In addition, both coffee and red wine have been found to contain antioxidants. These are powerful health agents that help your cells fight off damaging free radicals and boost your immune system! And while coffee and wine won’t solve all of your health problems, a cup or a glass a day sure couldn’t hurt!

Coffee versus Wine: Which is Healthier?

coffee vs wine

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve surely heard that red wine contains heart-healthy benefits. This is due to the resveratrol that is in the wine.  Resveratrol protects the body against damage that puts you at higher risk for things like cancer and heart disease. In addition , red wine has a slew of other surprising health benefits.

Benefits of Wine

Live Longer

You read that correctly….Live Longer! Daily wine consumption has long been part of many cultures. It is also known as a “food” and not a “beverage”. This is because it encourages long life through eating fewer animal-based foods and eating more plant-based foods. It has been found that the resveratrol found in wine directly activates a protein that promotes health and longevity. Who doesn’t want to be protected from the diseases of aging? What would you give to Look Younger? What if I told you that there was a Fountain Of Youth in an easy-to-take product? Well, there is! Start the Secret of Youth Here!

wine health

Get Smarter

In addition to living longer, Resveratrol may also help improve short-term memory! After just 30 minutes of testing, researchers found that participants taking resveratrol had a significant increase in retention of words. They also showed faster performance in the portion of the brain associated with the formation of new memories, learning, and emotions! I think we can all use this. Finally, remember why you went into the kitchen! Another way to feed your brain is with this amazing product, Brān, (pronounced brain). It is a delicious serum that comes in a single serving package that’s fun and convenient to use! All while giving you that natural energy boost, clearing your brain fog, enhancing your mood, and helping with cravings!

Banish Breakouts

Resveratrol is also able to inhibit the growth of acne-causing bacteria. Not only that, it works longer than benzoyl peroxide! And it works even better when combined together.  So far, drinking the antioxidant is the best way to benefit from its properties. Topical application in creams has not been proven as effective – so get your antioxidants in wine, fruits, and veggies rather than buying expensive creams!

healthy wine

Wine May Beat Trips To The Gym

Would you rather drink wine or work your butt off at the gym?  Dumb question, right?Scientists at the University of Alberta in Canada found that resveratrol improves heart, brain, and bone function; the same way these parts are improved when you go to the gym! Now imagine the benefits of going to the gym AND drinking wine!

Say Goodbye To The Blues

Everyone knows wine helps you relax…but with depression?  Researchers in Spain found that men and women who drank two to seven glasses of wine per week were less likely to be diagnosed with depression. Just one more reason to drink another glass of wine!

Reduce Your Risk Of Liver Disease

Modest wine consumption may decrease Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)! That’s right! Decrease! In fact, modest wine drinkers cut their risk of NAFLD in half!

Promote Healthy Eyes

wine glass

Resveratrol also helps to stop out-of-control blood vessel growth in the eyes!. This helps with the treatment of diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration!

Protect Your Pearly Whites

Did you know that drinking wine is a little-known way to protect your teeth from bacteria? I previously mentioned wine’s effects on the skin. Well, it also helps reduce bacteria on our teeth! Who knew?

Cut Multiple Cancer Risks

Studies also show that moderate consumption of red wine can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 50%! In addition, it can decrease the elevated breast cancer risk associated with alcohol intake. Red wine appears particularly protective against advanced or aggressive cancers.

Reduce Symptoms of the Common Cold

Researchers have also found that the antioxidants contained in red wine helps to lower inflammation and reduce the symptoms of colds! I guess grandma’s “hotty toddy” recipe isn’t so strange after all!

doctor holding a glass of wine

Lower Your Cholesterol

Resveratrol is also thought to reduce LDL and increase HDL. This means that our blood vessels are less likely to be coated with plaque. Even the American Heart Association admits that moderate consumption of any type of alcohol can increase your HDL, or good cholesterol, by about 12%!

Regulate Blood Sugar Levels

In addition to resveratrol, Red wine is also abundant in polyphenols. The polyphenols in wine interact with cells involved in the development and storage of fat and the regulation of blood sugar.  In other words, the amount of polyphenols in a small glass of red wine appears to be equivalent to the blood sugar-regulating activity of certain diabetes drugs! This is amazing!

Reduce the Risk of Diabetes

In addition to regulating blood sugar levels, red wine also improves sensitivity to insulin. Insulin resistance is the most important critical factor contributing to Type 2 diabetes risk. Therefore, men and women who drink moderately have a 30% lower risk of developing Type 2 diabetes!

raised wine glasses

Red or White Wine?

Red or White Wine? Red wine contains more resveratrol than white wine as it is fermented with the skins, while white wine is not. Most of the resveratrol in grapes is in the seeds and skin. So, although you may see some benefit from drinking the white wine, the red wine is definately better for your health! However, there is nothing wrong with drinking white!


Wine consumption may have some health benefits, but drinking too much of any type of alcohol can increase health risks. For most people, however, enjoying a glass or two of red wine each day can be part of a healthy diet! The key is moderation!

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The Health Case For Coffee

cup of coffee

Most people can’t start their day without their morning cup of “Joe”. A lot of people also use coffee for their perk-up at the end or middle of the day. Some even think coffee is a perfect way to end their day before they go to sleep. But have you ever stopped to think about the health benefits of coffee? Here are just a few:

Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a growing health risk for every adult. Therefore it is good to know that those who drink coffee are far less likely to get type 2 diabetes than non-coffee drinkers! In addition, black coffee is a delicious way to stay energized while minimizing your sugar intake!

Help Prevent Parkinson’s Disease

As we grow older, we are presented with many different health challenges. Unfortunately, Parkinson’s Disease is one of those challenges many face. Thankfully, drinking coffee can help prevent Parkinson’s disease. Therefore, if you want to live a long, healthy life drink a cup of coffee every day!

coffee and wine

Burn Fat

Coffee can also help boost your metabolism! Your metabolic rate can increase from between 3 – 29%, helping your body burn more fat throughout the day! Therefore, drinking coffee helps your body and your brain!

Protect Liver

Coffee can also help protect your liver. In fact, it can can reduce the risk of getting liver cancer by 40%! It can also help reduce the chances of fatty liver disease and gallstones! Our liver is how we filter everything that goes through our body. Therefore, its health is very important!

Improve Heart Health

In moderation, coffee can also help reduce the risk of heart failure! It also lowers the risk of heart failure, stroke, and coronary heart disease!

Make At Home vs. Buying

Do You Know What’s In Your Cup? If you are making it at home you do. Otherwise, who knows? When you go to a coffee shop, you lose control over how much sweetener, syrup, and cream/milk goes into your drink. Too much of any could outweigh the benefits that you are trying to achieve. You can be in control of your own health by making your own cup! You also get to choose your healthy choice of milk and sweetener to go in it!

Want a little something extra in your coffee? Try this delicious vanilla non-dairy coffee companion. It helps control cravings, boosts metabolism, and supports body composition goals! It is the perfect addition to your weight loss management program!

coffee keeps me busy until it's acceptable to drink wine

Pricey Convenience – It is convenient to just go buy a cup of coffee every morning. But with convenience comes price. When you add it up, $5/day becomes $35/week, and ends up being $140/month! That’s expensive!

A Cup Of Coffee A Day Keeps The Doctor Away! By drinking coffee at home every day, not only are you saving money, but you are also taking steps to improve your overall health! Your health is the most important thing in your life! A cup of coffee every day is a way to help remind yourself of that!


Drinking too much unfiltered coffee, like espresso, can increase cholesterol levels. Some people have a harder time breaking down caffeine than others, so those with that gene should be aware of their intake. For these people, two or more cups per day can increase the risk of heart disease. Coffee can also increase anxiety levels and disrupt sleep patterns which can create many compounding health effects in the long term.

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How Much to Drink

take life one sip at a time

How much to drink? It might just be up to you! That is because “In moderation” may mean different things to different people. This is because we each have a different height, weight, and genetic makeup. However, if you have any health concerns that seem to get worse when drinking either beverage, the best thing to do is to avoid it altogether. That being said, Moderation and Common Sense is the key!

Coffee guidelines: Most healthy adults can safely consume two to four cups of brewed coffee a day.

Wine guidelines: If you’re generally healthy, the American Cancer Society recommends no more than one drink per day for women and two for men.

While there are still a lot of things to consider as far as your health is concerned, the data shows that there may be modest benefits to drinking both coffee and wine! And as it goes with many things, moderation is key! When you consume these two popular drinks in moderation, they both offer similar health benefits! Today you can drink your most loved coffee drink in the morning and a glass of wine at night and not feel guilty!